Monday, September 28, 2009

a little bit about sophia at 23 months

23 months and 15 days that is!

Holy moly.
Sophia will be the big TWO in a couple weeks.

I have all the Strawberry Shortcake decorations in waiting.

Oh you didn't know Sophia is a huge... like majorly huge Strawberry Shortcake fan?

Ever since that fated day I went garage sale-ing and got her a 5 disc dvd collection for 2 bucks she has been hooked!

She never was one to care for tv. She would watch it for two minutes get bored and move on to more exciting things like baby dolls. Well once i popped that first dvd in she was glued to the tv. I was overjoyed. That sounds bad hmm let me explain. To have her be totally enthralled with the TV while I cook or do some other chore that is easier done without her "help" is a really nice relief! She still only makes it about 15-20 minutes watching it but I'll take it!! She even sings to the songs...ahh cuteness overload!

So I decided that a Strawberry Shortcake party was in order. But do you think I could find any party decor for her? It became a hunt. Anytime I saw anything that had Strawberries on it my eyes zoomed in. I got a tad obsessive. Me? Never. I guess Strawberry Shortcake is sooo last year. But not to Sophia and I. It is totally this year and totally 1985 back when I loved her just as much!

Anyways long story short ( i wasn't planning on writing all this, it just kind of spilled out) I found a dollar store who would special order it in and I wouldn't even have to pay shipping/handling fees!! Yippeee! So now it sits in the closet waiting for October 10th smelling all strawberry-licious! She is going to be so into it, I cant wait!!

Originally this post was going to be about Sophia and her mild (or maybe not so mild) O.C.D.

My child is a clean freak. Like crazy clean freak.

She starts to freak if she spills her milk or food. If her hands are sticky run for cover. She needs her hands wiped throughout her meals or she cant go on eating. She picks up specks of dirt on the carpet and tells me I need to vacuum. She shows me anything that even remotely looks like a stain and tells me with a look of terror in her eyes"oh mess, wipe!". It is crazy. I cant even really begin to explain it. Her newest one is telling me her tongue is dirty...umm yeah Sophia that's what happens when you chew food. Oy Vay! I try and tell her its ok to get dirty, to make a mess. I mean I like my house clean and tidy but I don't think I have passed on this OCD to her. As long as she doesn't start telling me to re-arrange the furniture we should be fine. That is where my OCD comes in. I move my furniture around at least once a month, its a bit crazy.

Her other funny little quirk these days is blaming Lilly our cat for everything!

It is pretty darn hilarious actually!! It all started around the beginning of summer. Sophia had provoked Lilly and she swiped Sophia. She got a very minor scratch on the top of her hand. Well let me tell you she told anyone and everyone that Lilly scratched her. She would point to her hand and in her cute voice say "Lilly". She continued to do this far past the time the scratch healed.

She now blames Lilly for messes that were very obviously not caused by Lilly. She sees garbage on the street and says Lilly made the mess. She says that Lilly pooped not Sophia. Any sort of scratch or bruise she gets she says Lilly did it. Poor Lilly!! I'm sorry Lilly! Don't worry cat I know you are not to blame for all of it! Lord help us when Sophia has a sibling one day, they will get all the blame!! Besides putting the blame on Lilly for everything Sophia loves her! She is always trying to feed her snacks and asks to leave out water bowls for her. It is pretty cute how much she loves her. We just have to work on not using Lilly as her scapegoat!

Here is my little munchkin dressed in her new fall attire (thanks to her Papa Bob!)
It took about 20 minutes of convincing and distracting her to leave the boots on...but then she loved them and would NOT take them off, funny girl! Her Easter purse was an addition made by herself and of course that "soos" oh that soos! I have a plan in place soon to finally get rid of it, stay tuned!

she wasnt feeling the vibe to model her new clothes

We celebrated our friend Alex's 2nd Birthday on Saturday!

Honest to goodness we didnt plan the matching. I am not that organized!

My Strawberry Shortcake girl eating a strawberry!


Unknown said...

I love Strawberry Shortcake! Remember the dolls when we were young and they smelled good? Love her!

And I'm pretty sure Sophia and Isabella are sisters. Seriously--the OCD thing? Isabella must have her hands cleaned throughout dinner. Things must be lined up in a row. Books stacked exactly straight. Too funny!

Love the pictures--your family is so beautiful!

amanda said...

loving the family pic honey :)

and seriously our babies are turning two?? who are these little people?? their little "quirks" are sooo funny! there never really is a dull moment is there friend?

Chris said...

The family picture is great! Funny little people they are...

Kristi Tencarre said...

beautiful family pic!