And then suddenly I failed at taking pictures. Haha I totally suck.
I left it in the very capable hands of my mom! So I just need to get the pictures from her because let me tell you there are some darn tootin cute ones!
There was a heat wave while I was in Vancouver so my brain melted and all I could think about was finding shade a fan and water. Everything else was an extra and too much to deal with. It was awful to be honest. I pretty much hate being hot. So I pretty much complained and turned into a crazy person the whole time, haha just kidding, no im not. Thanks "maga" and "papa" for taking care of us and dealing with me in my "heat coma".
Besides the heat wave I loved spending time with my parents and seeing my close friends. We kept it simple and just enjoyed each others company. I had to work in there too, but I just try to ignore that part.
Are you still reading this lengthy post?? If so I just want to tell you that I will be taking a blogging break. I go through phases with blogging where I love to and where I don't love to.
Right now we have a lot on our plate as a family and to even take the time to blog is a lot. We have a lot of life decisions going on over here and until I know what we are doing I don't think I will blog. I'm pretty sure you don't want to hear me complain and listen to me be indecisive about life. So until my head is in a better place im signing off for a while.
I will peek in here and there to say hello to bloggy buddies and if you want to chat just drop me an email anytime!
Peace out!